If you ever have to undergo surgery, your muscle mass can significantly affect your recovery.

Study case
Jeroen Van Vugt, a Dutch doctoral student from the Erasmus University in Rotterdam, conducted an interesting study on a
group of 206 people with an aggressive form of colorectal cancer. Patients had to undergo surgery. Approx. 44% of them lost a lot of muscle mass at the time. The losses were so great that doctors diagnosed sarcopenia.
It turned out that people with the largest loss of muscle mass more often required re-surgery. Also, patients with relatively low muscle mass died more often after surgery than patients with high muscle mass.
What's conclusion?
It can therefore be concluded that taking care of your form now, shaping and strengthening muscles can save our lives in later years.
Van Vugt repeated the study on an even larger group and again noted that people with less muscle mass died more often after surgery, and health complications were more common.
Of course, it's not just the muscles that affect the outcome of the treatment. What is important is the stage of the disease, age, other health aspects and many other factors, such as our lifestyle and what form we are in. However, it cannot be excluded that muscle condition has a significant impact on our health and how we undergo treatment and various types of treatments.