Nicotinamide fights MRSA infection in a few hours

As the Oregon State University reports, a study from 2012 suggests that nicotinamide (vitamin B3, in the form of niacin) may be able to fight certain staphylococcus infections resistant to antibiotics. The study was carried out both on laboratory animals, as well as with the use of human blood.
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High doses of nicotinamside increased by thousand times (!) the ability of the immune cells to kill staphylococcus bacteria.

Nicotinamide was applied in mega-doses, which highly exceeded the level that any normal diet could supply. However, these were the dosages that were safely used before on people as a drug for other ailments.

Nicotinamide turned out to be effective in eliminating bacteria responsible for MRSA (methicyllin-resistant staphylococcus aureus), which constitutes a serious danger for life and such infections happen quite often in hospitals, care homes, prisons, in the army, among sportsmen and in other circumstances, where many people have close contact.

Dr. George Liu, an infectious diseases expert and a co-author of the study says:Vitamin B3 Niacin 500mg

„This vitamin is surprisingly effective in the fight and protection against one of the most serious dangers for public health of today.”

Liu also claims, that nicotinamide may help to reduce antibiotic-dependence.

Pierre Kyme and Nils Thoennissen – the authors of the study on human blood concluded that clinical doses of vitamin B3 turned out to be able to eliminate staphylococcus infections in a few hours.

Adrian Gombart, a professor in OSU Linus Pauling Institute claims, however, that although these results are potentially significant, there is still the need of research on humans.

Gombart believes, that there is no evidence that normal diet and conventional supplements with vitamin B3 would have any beneficial effect in counteracting or treating bacterial infections and claims that people should not take high doses of this vitamin.


Tags: health, mrsa, niacin, nicotinamide, supplements, vitamin, vitamin b3

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