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The most dangerous diets

The most dangerous diets

There are many varieties of fasting diet. There are, for example, those which consist of drinking liquids only and not eating solid food at all. Others, on the other hand, allow different products to be introduced gradually. As a rule, a hunger strike causes weakening of the body, slowing down […]

Acidic yet healthy!

Acidic yet healthy!

The first reports about rhubarb and its properties come from China before 2700 BC. However, there will be no mention of the history of this vegetable, where it came from or who discovered it. After all, its impact on health is more important and definitely more worthy of being emphasised. […]

Home-made remedies for allergies

Home-made remedies for allergies

We talk about an allergy when a substance that is actually completely harmless causes an incorrect reaction in our immune system as if it encounters a harmful substance. The symptoms of allergy can be very different. Allergy is called atopy – it is inherited from ancestors, especially in the first […]

How to take care of your liver

How to take care of your liver

It has a positive effect on health, the body’s defence mechanisms and, of course, makes it possible to get rid of unnecessary kilograms. This diet has many benefits for the whole system, as it effectively cleanses the body. Liver – natural storageWhat damages the liver?Why to try liver diet? A […]

Apple vinegar – application

Apple vinegar – application

Apple vinegar is an example of how a health-enhancing product can be owned without significant financial outlay. Apple vinegar in cultureBenefits of apple vinegarContraindications Apple vinegar in culture In England, there is even a growing belief that regular consumption of at least one apple a day will have the effect […]

Bee pollen and putty

Bee pollen and putty

Winnie the Pooh is known by all children and every gourmand enjoys sweet honey. What else do we owe to bees? You will find out by reading this article. Unrivalled bee pollen characteristicsWhy is it so important?Bee putty (Propolis) – the whole pharmacy in the hiveSummary Unrivalled bee pollen characteristics […]

Cleansing the body with nettle

Cleansing the body with nettle

Hated in childhood. She is associated with pinching, burning and blistering on her skin. We still treat nettle as a nuisance weed. The undervalued plant contains a lot of medicinal and nutritional compounds. It is worth looking at it from a different angle and see the benefits that nettle offers […]

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