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A raspberry range of possibilities

A raspberry range of possibilities

In summer they taste in the best way when fresh. Cocktails, ice cream and various desserts based on them are extremely popular. In winter and autumn, we enjoy juices and jams. And when we get cold, it is best to have tea with raspberries to warm us up. Raspberries, apart […]

Detoxifying massage with honey

Detoxifying massage with honey

This sweet delicacy in the colour of gold was known for its healing properties already in ancient times. The unique combination of nutrients in honey makes it easily absorbed by the body and the enzymes contained in it activate biochemical reactions in the body and bind toxins. The honey massage […]

Tomato diet

Tomato diet

Tasty, shapely, ripe tomatoes from the bush are a wonderful feast for our palate. On a summer sunny day we can enjoy them in the garden. There are many ways to prepare them and they help us lose weight! You can lose as much as 2 kg in a week! […]

Periwinkle and its effects

Periwinkle and its effects

It is considered to be an attribute of philosophers, in some countries it is a symbol of virginity and is adorned with wedding bouquets. On the other hand, it is planted on graves as a symbol of eternity, immortality and paradise. It was a plant of the goddess Venus. However, […]

Detoxifying herbs

Detoxifying herbs

The body can be detoxified in many ways. Pharmacological dietary supplements can be used, but undoubtedly one of the safer methods of removing toxins is natural cleansing of the body with herbs, for example. Few people are aware of the beneficial effects of such plants as field horsetail, dandelion or […]

Homemade juices

Homemade juices

The forerunner of juice therapy, Dr Norman Walker, considers fresh vegetables and fruit to be the primary source of ingredients. To make it easier to assimilate them, it is worth taking an interest in making homemade fresh juices. We must add that it is really worth it because they are […]

Properties of red tea

Properties of red tea

Known in China since 1700 BC. Interestingly, in the Tang Dynasty (618-907) red tea could only be consumed by the Emperor. It was produced in caves in small quantities, forbidding even ordinary mortals to taste the emperor’s drink. How is this tea rarity obtained?Red tea ingredientsRed tea impact on our […]



Dandelion is a very common plant in nature. It can grow the lawn, in the meadow, on pastures. However, few people know that this plant has enormous healing power! Structure of a dandelionDandelion – compositionHealing effects of a dandelion Structure of a dandelion The way the dandelion is spread is […]

Is Green tea really healthy?

Is Green tea really healthy?

The Chinese have known for centuries the wonderful properties of green tea. Check how much health you can gain by changing your habits a little bit. Green tea originGreen tea benefitsHow do we make green tea?Summary Green tea origin The cradle of green tea is China, where it is drunk […]

Vitamins on a plate

Vitamins on a plate

Most often, when we lose weight, we only care about weight loss, and not whether we provide the body with the necessary amounts of vitamins and minerals. If we are not careful, we will lead to serious health problems. Dietary sources of nutrientsSources of beta-caroteneSources of vitamins C and ESources […]

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