Best diet - is there such a thing?
The best way to feed people is the Mediterranean diet - scientists have been persuading us for years. Today, however, it turns out that the menu of the inhabitants of southern Europe is far from perfect. Their diet is not able to effectively prevent heart disease or obesity. Dieticians therefore began to look for a new diet, more suited to the current lifestyle of residents of developed countries. And they came across DASH (dietary approaches to stop hypertension). Years ago, it was recommended almost exclusively to people suffering from hypertension, now - as experts say - it can be an ideal diet for all, and for life, because it allows you to live a healthy life for a few years.
Food pyramid

Stop aging
The DASH diet primarily reduces blood pressure, as evidenced by the observations of prof. Eva Obarzanek from the University of Pittsburgh. The scholar divided the participants of the study into three groups. One was on a DASH diet, the other on a fruit and vegetable one, and the third person ate what they wanted. After six years, it turned out that in all volunteers on the DASH diet, systolic and diastolic blood pressure decreased by 7-8 percent. - For a completely natural therapy, it's really a lot. Such a result is obtained during therapy with low doses of antihypertensive drugs, and remember that according to the NATPOL study in Poland, approximately 10.5 million people suffer from hypertension - says prof. Małgorzata Kozłowska-Wojciechowska from the Warsaw Medical University.
Further research has shown that diet also reduces the level of bad cholesterol (with NATPOL 2011 it appears that high cholesterol has as many as 18 million Poles). - The diet was composed in such a way as to eliminate harmful saturated fats and trans fats, and enrich with vegetable fats that help maintain lipid balance - says prof. Kozłowska-Wojciechowska. So we have to say goodbye to fat red meats, because there is bad cholesterol in them. White meat and fish are allowed. - As well as vegetables and fruits that have anti-inflammatory properties, because they reduce the formation of free radicals, so the DASH diet also stops the aging process of the body - says the Professor.

Potassium versus sodium
Eat the chocolate