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Vitamin D3 & K2 MK7 Vitamin D3 & K2 MK7 120 caps.
Apollo's Hegemony
18.48 €

Vitamin D3 & K2 MK7 120 caps.

5 based on 1 reviews
Min. expiration date: 2027-05

From 3 units only: 17.56 € / Units. -5%

Shipping weight: 160g
18.48 € With VAT
0.15 € / serving
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  • Properly selected doses
  • Efficacy and safety in one
  • Synergistic effect of the components
  • Quality certified by a laboratory
  • Contains the best form of vitamin K2 – MK7
  • Strengthens the structure of bones and teeth
  • Increases the body's resistance
  • Promotes anabolic processes, and increases muscle strength
  • Regulates functioning of the nervous system and endocrine
  • Protects the cardiovascular system and prevents atherosclerosis
  • Prevents osteoporosis and tooth decay
  • Removes calcification of blood vessels
  • Fights free radicals and reactive oxygen species
  • Strong antioxidant status
  • Supports the production of collagen, and erythrocytes
  • Shortens colds and infections
  • Reduces the level of cortisol (stress hormone)
  • Natural anti-inflammatory and analgesic formulation

Apollos Hegemony Vitamin D3 with K2 is a dietary supplement containing a set of interacting with each other vitamins:
- Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol)
- Vitamin K2 MK7 (menaquinone-7)

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Amazing product. Within one month, the level of Vitamin D rose from 14.5 to 54.5. 4 tabs a day (16,000 units) were taken together with Vit A + E from Medana. I highly recommend it, because I finally found a product that works very quickly!
05/07/2021 Łukasz
  1. The composition of the product and the quality of the individual components were confirmed by an independent testing made by an accredited laboratory.
  2. Carefully selected doses of vitamins by specialists, eliciting synergistic, safe and efficient operation on the skeletal and cardiovascular system, and other body tissues.
  3. The product contains only natural, organic and health-promoting ingredients. The formulation was cleared of any harmful allergens and chemical additives.
  4. It contains the most digestible and long-acting form of vitamin K2, ie. MK7.

The product Apollos Hegemony Vitamin D3 with K2 consists of the following components:

Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) – called a sunshine vitamin, is a compound with a steroid structure traditionally classified to the vitamins, but in the human body it plays the role of a prohormone. It is synthesized from cholesterol in the skin under the influence of sunlight, UV-B. Then in the liver and kidneys, as a result of metabolic reactions, it gets transformed into calcitriol – the active form of vitamin D, a hormone controlling the calcium-phosphate economy in the body. In many tissues and cells it connects to its nuclear receptor – VDR, while controlling more than 200 genes. He interacts with vitamin A, vitamin K2 and calcium.

Vitamin K2 (menaquinone) – a group of compounds – menaquinons – effecting on different biological reactions in the body, especially on the economy of calcium, maintaining proper bone health and the cardiovascular system. A unique form is menaquinone-7 (vitamin K2 MK-7), naturally occuring in fermented soybeans (natto), which exhibits the longest action in the body, lasting up to 72 hours, and excellent absorbability as well.

The demand for vitamin D and deficiency causes

Vitamin D deficiencies are common. According to the data obtained in 2005-2006 up to 41.6% of Americans have a deficiency of vitamin D. It should be remembered that in those years it was not thought yet that this relationship plays such an important biological role in every human cell.

It grows constantly the number of scientists who raise an optimal health threshold level of vitamin D in the blood. Time and again coming new information about its unusual properties, because at the moment a real need for this vitamin is not known to us. However, one we can be sure – we need more of it than we thought.

Long-term vitamin D deficiencies have tragic consequences for human health. Apart from the symptoms as a disease of the skeletal system, researchers have shown a link between a low level of vitamin D, and the occurrence of many terrible diseases such as multiple sclerosis (MS), cancer, autoimmune diseases, atherosclerosis, diabetes, depression, infertility or Alzheimer's disease.

The main causes of the vitamin D deficiency are: no or limited exposure to sunlight, poor diet (too low intake of oily fish), season, air pollution and abuse of creams with UV filters. Remember also that it should be noted that the need for vitamin D increases in various disease states, likewise with age.

Supplementation with vitamin D should be taken into account by people who have too little use of the gift of sunlight, and athletes who want to improve exercise capacity. In the autumn-winter period it is recommended to supplement vitamin D, which is essential to anyone.

The demand for vitamin K2 and deficiency causes

The history of vitamin K2 can be combined with the findings of the well-known, but also a controversial dentist – Weston Price. That dentist, in the early twentieth century, studied the relationship between a diet and dental diseases in different populations. On the basis of observations and researches, he discovered that people consuming industry unprocessed products with a high content of unidentified (then) component, they exhibited a better protection against tooth decay, as well as a lower incidence of chronic diseases. Later, the unidentified ingredient was called vitamin K2.

You should not identify vitamin K2 (menaquinone) with a well-known vitamin K1 (phylloquinone), which is common in many parts of many green plants and is involved in blood clotting. The first one is not enough in our diet.

As it turns out, in the diet of western countries there is a serious deficiencies of vitamin K2, particularly its long form, so MK-7 and MK-9, which is probably due to the small amount of fermented products in the diet and the negligence of the natural intestinal microflora, which should be a source of the vitamin.

Shorter acting form of vitamin K2, so MK-4, which is common in fatty animal products: eggs, dairy products, meat and liver. However, over the past 10-15 years a cholesterol phobia caused that people began to avoid fat-rich foods. It also heightened the disadvantage of the occurrence of shortages of menaquinons, and thus the deterioration of bone health, the emergence of osteoporosis and other bone diseases.

Apollos Hegemony Vitamin D3 with K2 supports the skeletal system

The activity of vitamin D results in increased absorption of calcium in the intestines and the decrease of urinary calcium excretion – interacting with parathyroid hormone (PTH) in the reabsorption of calcium, while reducing its level (parathyroid hormone).

A deficiency of vitamin D results in rickets (in children), bone loss, digestion disorders, osteomalacia, osteoporosis and adults results in bone pains.

Vitamin D helps in the prevention and the fight against tooth decay, by activating special protective proteins of the immune system.

Osteocalcin is a non-collagenous synthesized protein, primarily by osteoblasts (bone formation cells). Involved in the transport of calcium ions and binding it to the hydroxyapatite matrix – the mineral composed of calcium hydroxyphosphate, which is a mineral scaffold of connective tissue, which is responsible for the mechanical strength of bone.

However, osteocalcin shows its activities in respect of calcium ions, mainly in the form of a carboxylate, which is achieved only by the presence of Vitamin K2. Put it simpler, Vitamin K2 participates in the transport of calcium from the blood to the places where it is needed, especially to the bones.

Studies have confirmed the effectiveness of vitamin K2. It has been shown that, among other, it increases bone mineral density (BDM) in patients with hip fracture, while a deficiency of this vitamin can contribute to bone fragility.

Apollos Hegemony Vitamin D3 with K2 supports the immune system

Vitamin D exhibits immunomodulatory and indirectly antimicrobial properties – activates genes encoding antimicrobial peptides of the characteristics of natural antibiotics. It supports the innate immunity, while suppressing the adaptive immunity – which inhibits autoimmune reactions.

It also protects against mutations of the genes that underlie neoplastic transformation and progression of cancer. It is currently believed that vitamin D reduces the risk of up to 17 types of cancer.

Recent reports indicate that Vitamin K2 is an important point in the prevention of cancer as well as in their treatment. One theory explaining the mechanism of the antitumor activity is the induction of oxidative stress in cancer cells, thereby inhibiting their growth and sometimes results in the death of that cell. Thus, vitamin K2 in relation to the tumor cells is a pro-oxidant.

Apollos Hegemony Vitamin D3 with K2 supports the muscular system

Vitamin D, like testosterone, is a steroid, which activates a specific nuclear receptor in the muscle tissue stimulating genes, including those responsible for anabolic processes. While testosterone activates specific for it androgen receptor (AR), the vitamin D activates the proper receptor – known as Vitamin D receptor (VDR).

Therapeutic doses of vitamin D restore strength and muscle mass in patients with myopathy (muscle weakness) and dystrophy (muscle atrophy).

Vitamin D increases the protein synthesis directly as an anabolic hormone, while exhibiting anti-catabolic properties – it inhibits myostatin production and IGFBP (the protein binfong growth factor IGF-1).

Apollos Hegemony Vitamin D3 with K2 supports the nervous system

Vitamin D receptors are also found in the brain, and its deficiency may contribute to the development of depression, schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease or lead to cognitive impairment.

It has been shown that vitamin D regenerate neurons, including myelin sheaths of nerve fibers, thereby preventing the formation and development of multiple sclerosis (MS).

There is also a link between vitamin D deficiency and disorders of sleep (insomnia) depression or neurosis motivated.

Apollos Hegemony Vitamin D3 with K2 supports the cardiovascular system

Vitamin D stimulates the production of prostacyclin – tissue hormones with anti-aggregation properties. Prostacyclin prevents platelets from sticking together and acts diastolic on the blood vessels reducing blood pressure.

Recently, there were also carried out studies in which the inhibitory effect of vitamin D on the activity of proteolytic enzymes was observed, which participate in pathological remodeling of the heart cells and blood vessels.

Vitamin K2 is not only to prevent osteoporosis, but as well as calcification or sclerosis and blood vessels hardening. It directs the excess of calcium found in the blood vessels to the right places for it, which prevents the formation and hardening of atherosclerotic plaques.

Vitamin K2 also activates protein MGP (Matrix GLA Protein), which inhibits calcification, prevents accumulation of calcium, and thereby stiffening and cracking of the blood vessels.

Apollos Hegemony Vitamin D3 with K2 supports the endocrine system

In one study, the supplementation with vitamin D after one year time resulted in a 30 percent increase of testosterone level of both total and free compared to placebo. Moreover, it has been shown that it enhances the action of testosterone and its derivatives on muscle mass, likewise stimulates the reprodaction of androgen receptors (AR).

Scientists have shown that the vitamin D supplementation in infancy reduces the risk of type 1 diabetes. The next studies have shown that it improves insulin secretion and glucose tolerance in patients with type 2 diabetes.

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