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To place an order, you must first click on one (or more) product first.



Then move the cursor up and click on "SHOW THE CART", which will make that will be redirected to the page with our order.



We've been redirected to page with our cart. Here we can ensure what products we want to order and change quantity.

According to total amount of order we can pick one of showed gifts. To pick one simply klick the gray button underneath. You can choose from lanyards, samples, notebooks, shakers, pillboxes and other.



Then scroll the page down to value your shipment, by filling in the appropriate fields and clicking on "VALUE YOUR SHIPMENT". When you click on this button you will see the list of available package carriers, from which you should choose one.

If you have discount code that you want to use - check "discount codes" box and type your code, accept with blue button. Order will be recalculeted and amount to pay will be decresed.

And then, from the next list, please choose the payment option you prefer and click "ORDER".



Then you will then redirected to the page with your data, on which you need to select "ORDER WITHOUT REGISTRATION" by clicking the button.

Then fill in the form with your personal, address and contact details.



After completing the form, you will be redirected to the page with your order summary. If all of the information are correct, just click "ORDER" and wait for a notification from us confirming that we received your order.



Order is made! Last step show us the confirmation of placing the order and some useful informations about shipping

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