As is it well known - a dietary supplement does not just have to be different kinds of protein. Nowadays, this market is incredibly developed, and products strictly for athletes can even be found on supermarket shelves. That’s why it is sometimes worth finding out more about other supplements as well. For this reason, I will present here some information about what magnesium is, where we find it, how much we need it and when it is the best time to take it.
Magnesium - basic information
Magnesium is a mineral that we find in many foods, drugs and, of course, dietary supplements. It is important for many biochemical reactions in our body, like:
- protein synthesis
- regulation of blood pressure
- testosterone secretion
- the activity of muscles and nervous system
It also affects the active calcium transport between the cell membranes of our body. This is especially important because it affects the functioning of our nervous system (conduction of nerve impulses), muscle contraction and maintenance of normal heart rhythm. An adult person contains about 25g. magnesium in the body, where most are found in bones of the skeletal system. About 1% can be found in the blood. Optimal magnesium level in our body is mainly controlled by our kidneys.

Magnesium - recommended intake
In the case of an adult male, we are talking about 400-410 mg of magnesium a day, for the women, this number is slightly lower and is 310-320 mg of magnesium per day. It is worth noting that during the day we get rid of about 120 mg of magnesium from the body with urine. In the case of a low level of this mineral, of course, the excretion rate is highly alleviated.

Magnesium - where we will find it?
It is important to know the source of our mineral as well. One of the more obvious ways to obtain magnesium is food. We will find it especially in various vegetables like:
- spinach
- legumes
- all kinds of nuts
In addition, we also have meat and fish which also contain a significant amount of magnesium. However, those are much smaller amounts than for plants. Of course, we also can not forget about dietary supplements. In this case, we find various forms of magnesium, like:
- magnesium oxide
- magnesium citrate
- magnesium chloride
- magnesium aspartate
It is worth noting that according to researches, it is best to choose nutrients that dissolve well in liquids. For this reason, for example, you can choose magnesium aspartate, which is absorbed into our body much better than, for example, magnesium oxide.

When to take magnesium
It is worth noting that daily magnesium intake should always be maintained. Cases of deficiency of mentioned mineral occur very rarely because our body responds appropriately and reduces the amount of how much we get rid of it with the urine. However, in the case of a long deficiency, we may encounter muscle cramps or irregular heart work called arrhythmia. However, if someone is basically healthy then he should not worry about it and at most should work on his diet to maintain its appropriate intake.
Magnesium in the morning or evening?
This is a very interesting question because one could say that it is best to just take a supplement, no matter what time it is. However, there are some studies that suggest taking it in the evening because it can affect the quality of our sleep and help to relax.
Magnesium is a mineral that we should take every day, regardless of its source (supplement or food). Magnesium deficiency is obviously not something that threatens a normal, healthy person. Nevertheless, you should be careful because its actions are very important for our body.