Supplements for nursing mothers

Pregnancy and childbirth considerably weaken the woman's body, which can manifest itself in deficiencies. In addition, the milk of the nursing mother lacks the appropriate amount of nutrients if the mother lacks them in her body. This can not be underestimated, because the composition of food greatly affects the growth and development of the child, which for each mother is finally superior. Therefore, a nursing woman should consume unprocessed, healthy, vitamin and mineral-rich foods as much as possible. To enrich and balance our diet, it’s worth taking supplements, especially those based on natural ingredients that are safe.

While breastfeeding, the woman's body produces milk, which increases her appetite. This is not surprising, because at the time the caloric demand increases and it is usually 200 - 500 kcal more per day. Along with the increasing demand for calories, the amount of nutrients necessary for consumption changes considerably.

After pregnancy, during lactation it’s necessary to eat more than usual amount of vitamin D and iodine. These are the ingredients which level in the mother's body affect the quality of milk, hence skipping them in the diet is not the best idea. It’s worth reaching for supplements with vitamins and minerals that will supplement any shortages. Iodine is an extremely important element from the point of view of the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. This organ is involved in thermoregulation and improves metabolism. During feeding the disturbed work of the thyroid gland may be manifested in the poor preparation of the epithelium of milk follicles for milk production. Vitamin D, however, is necessary from the point of view of bone structure, because it allows for better absorption of calcium.

Supplementation during lactation is important not only because of the quality of the food itself, but also because of the mother's health. It’s essential to maintain the correct level of iron here. Its presence is much smaller due to the fact that during the production of food there are no menstrual periods. In addition, deficiencies may be caused by the loss of a large amount of blood during birth. Quite often, there isn’t much calcium left in the mother’s body after childbirth. It’s usually consumed with cow's milk and its products, which are usually excluded during feeding. It’s worth to reach for preparations with calcium to regulate its level.

In addition to the listed vitamins and minerals, DHA supplementation is also recommended. It helps strengthen the mother's immunity and prevents depression. DHA also supports the child's development, especially mental development, which should be taken into account immediately after birth. A good idea is to use a complex of vitamins and minerals that will ensure optimal levels of all micro and macro elements.

Appropriate diet should be extremely important for women, not only during pregnancy, but also afterward, when food is produced. Of course, you can not forget about a balanced nutrition after lactation, when the woman's body returns to normal. The most effective way to supplement any deficiencies is supplementation, but such preparations should contain ingredients of natural origin.

Tags: calcium, health, health product, minerals, nursing mothers, supplements, vitamin, vitamin d, vitamins, woman

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