If you ever have to undergo surgery, your muscle mass can significantly affect your recovery. Study caseWhat’s conclusion? Study case Jeroen Van Vugt, a Dutch doctoral student from the Erasmus University in Rotterdam, conducted an interesting study on a group of 206 people with an aggressive form of colorectal cancer. […]
Tag: muscle
Which vitamins are essential for muscle growth?
By now, we all know that we need to have our macronutrients (fats, carbs and proteins) on point when trying to build muscle. But what about the micronutrients, which vitamins and minerals are essential to optimize muscle growth? You will read all about it in today’s blog! Are vitamins that […]
Stubborn muscle what to do with them?
Generally, when lifters ask about something like that, they’re more specific about it – for example, inquiring about certain exercises, set-rep patterns and pre- and post workout meals. You need to consider several factors when you want to bring up a weak muscle group and build new muscle in general. […]
Best amino acids – NEW Ranking 2021
Amino acids are organic compounds which have a considerable meaning for our organism, and primarily for our muscles. What are amino acids?Why are amino acids important?What are essential amino acids?Which amino acids are essential?Why are amino acids essential?Why are amino acids conditionally essential?Why are amino acids non-essential?Are amino acids proteins? […]
More muscle helps with overall health
For the most people outside the gym, the word “muscles” brings to mind image of big bodybuilders. The importance of muscle mass, strength, and metabolic function in the performance of exercise and sports, has never been questioned. However, muscles aren’t just for show. Here I will explain why. Role of […]
The good side of nitrates
People say a lot of bad things about nitrates contained in food. Indeed, there are some reasons to think that technologically processed meat products, rich in these compounds, can negatively affect our health. Does that mean, however, that nitrates are really bad? It turns out that it’s not necessarily true! […]
Vitamins C and E – large doses
Vitamin C and vitamin E – large doses in endurance sports and losing weight Antioxidants in trainingActions in physically active people Antioxidants in training Common availability and omnipresent promotion of the need to use vitamins with antioxidant properties makes people use them in large doses. Not always, however, more means […]
Diet for “hard gainers”!
There are 3 basic types of ectomorphic , mesomorphic and endomorphic construction. Determining which one we belong to greatly influences the diet and type of training we should choose. Today we will discuss the topic of diet for the ectomorphic. What to eat to have the strength and the chance […]
Tips for triceps training
The construction of a powerful arm mainly depends on the triceps muscle, called the triceps. It is he who constitutes up to 70% of the popularly called paws. In order to maximize the effectiveness of training, a bit closer look at its anatomy and principles that determine its growth. How […]
Mass gainers- uncessesary supplement, or proper support of muscle mass gains?
Gainers are often used by beginners who are building muscle mass. However, the calorific value of these nutrients often means that more fat appears instead of the muscles. Is it worth using it in supplementation? What kind of gainer should the less experienced gym players choose at the beginning? Is […]
Muscle-Building Supplements
When you enter any shop that offers various supplements, you may see the whole range of various products that are supposed to help in, among others, building muscle mass. They usually work, but are not equally effective for everyone. Each organism is different and reactions to supplements will also vary. […]
How to build muscle mass?
The quest for a powerful chest with biceps resembling the tops of icebergs is one of the goals of every bodybuilding adept. We can get a lot of ideas from gyms and mass media about how we could exceed the magical barrier 40 / 45cm in arm circumference. Unfortunately… The […]
Beginner mistakes: endless reduction
Having problems with building muscle mass, there comes a moment when it’s necessary to go on reduction. However, many beginners start their adventure precisely from this type of activities that are aimed at lowering their weight, reducing the accumulation of fat that has been harvested within a few years of […]
Pull-ups are one of the most comprehensive exercises involving the upper muscles. Many people forget about this exercise or don’t do it because it seems too difficult. That’s a mistake! Just look at the bodies of gymnasts or calisthenics to realize that pull-ups should be present in our training schedule. […]
Chest dips, why should you do them?
Creating a list of exercises that are successfully avoided at the gym, you can certainly put the chest dips on your list, based on the weight of your body. Why, despite the fact that they give great results, are they overlooked?Chest dips, also known as dips in a cage or […]
Protein supplements – the best time to take them
Protein supplements constitute a large part of the supplementation market. We have high expectations of protein supplements, but what is the best time to take them? The answer is not that simple and we need to take a few factors into consideration. Different kinds of protein supplementsThe quality of protein […]
Why your workout isn’t working…
Have you ever encountered on your way physically active people – regularly running, working out at the gym a few times a week, generally active and not avoiding sport, but still having a few extra kilograms? These people perform reasonable trainings, it would seem that they are so active that […]
Should you arch your back during barbell bench press?
Barbell exercises are one of the most popular exercises in the world. This includes basic core exercises of the upper body. In addition to squat and deadlifting, it’s among the strength-triathlon. Barbell bench press (BBP) enjoys a great popularity in fitness clubs. Often there are many determinants of strength. The […]
Diet for mesomorphics
One of the basic steps in planning your first diet is to define your own type of build and predisposition. According to a slightly older and quite imprecise but still used theory W.H. Sheldon in 1940 can distinguish three somatotypes classifying the type of body structure according to certain physical […]
BETA-ALANINE – improves strength and increase muscles performance
Beta-alanine belongs to ergogenic supplements. The chemical structure, BA (beta-alanine) belongs to the amino acid group, but it does not build proteins. On the other hand, it’s a precursor of carnosine, which in the human body shows a number of biological functions. The action of BA is in a specific, […]
Broccoli on an athletes table
The basis of a bodybuilding diet is chicken breasts with rice. It’s about delivering basic nutrients that promote muscle and muscle mass growth – proteins and carbohydrates. Vegetarians, of course, use veggies in their menu, mainly for the portions of essential fibre that regulates the digestive tract. Mostly, they do […]
Exercises for a six pack – 7 of the best exercises for stomach muscles hard as steel
Are you dreaming of the “six pack” effect on your stomach? Here are 7 of the best exercises that will help you carve your stomach muscles and make them hard as steel. Exercises involve the simple, oblique and transverse muscles of the abdomen. The first results are visible after two […]
HIP THRUST – the most effective exercises for the buttocks. How to do a hip trust?
Hip thrust, or hips rising with the back placed at a small height, is a less popular buttock exercise than squat. However, with regards to the involvement of the buttock muscles and the effectiveness of forming a rounded, firm butt – definitely wins with sit-ups. Read about the technique of […]
What to drink during workout? Hydration rules during exercise.
What to drink during workout – mineral water or maybe isotonic drink? Should we start hydrating during exercise or a few hours before? What should runners drink during training and what people training at the gym? Get to know the answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding hydration during […]
6 best supplements for an athlete
The supplement market offers us a large variety of supplements, which have the ability to bring great results in the growth of muscle mass and strength. Supplements have become so popular, that under more recent names, often associated with anabolic drugs, mixed substances are released, offering powerful muscle mass gains […]
Post-workout supplementation!
By using dietary supplements and nutrients, we remember to take vitamins – because they are beneficial to our health, about protein in the diet – without it there is no muscle, and also about taking a pre-workout portion to have a good workout. Training is over, what’s next? Not many […]
See which supplements you should take, to make your exercise results be even better!
The key to a slim figure and good mood is not just regular exercise and a healthy, balanced diet, but also supplementation. See which ones are worth taking to enjoy a healthy and good form! AntioxidantsOmega-3 fatty acidProtein supplementBCAA Amino AcidsGlutamineA set of vitamins strengthening hair, skin and nails Antioxidants […]
Taurine burns fat!
As a result of recent observations – Japanese scientists have noticed the unknown side of taurine… As it turns out: this well-known to athletes amino acid – anabolic and anti-catabolic – intensively stimulates fat burning in subcutaneous adipose tissue and facilitates reduction of its mass. And by the way … […]
Quick ways to improve regeneration
Strength, interval and aerobic exercise has different effects on athletes. In addition to that, the results of exercise mostly depends on the intensity of work, length of the session (volume), frequency of workout, an individual person’s condition, their age, hormonal profile etc. However, you can also define the general guidelines […]
Diet – key to success
Many people, especially beginners, are wondering what the basis and the key to being healthy are, as well as shaping the figure. How to combine these two goals? Undoubtedly, the basis for our figure to look aesthetically, especially during the holidays, is the right strength training and change to our […]
The most important tips concerning building muscle mass
Is it hard for you to gain mass? Do you constantly have problems with pushing your weight up? Don’t you see the effects of your hard trainings at the gym, even though you do your best and your diet is under control? The content of the below article will undoubtedly […]
Protein, protein, how much should we consume per day?
Protein is an important part of any healthy and balanced diet. It’s an essential ingredient for the growth and regeneration of all types of body tissues, including muscles, organs, and the immune system. It helps in digestion, stimulates hair and nails to grow, regulates blood coagulation and transports nutrients and […]
Supplementation for people beginning their adventure with bodybuilding
Many beginners ask themselves a question whether they should reach for any supplements already at the beginning of their adventure with strength training. When they finally make a decision, they have doubts, which supplement to choose, what will be appropriate for them and what will be a redundant additive, which […]
White or red – which meat to choose?
Today, there is no doubt that you can properly balance your diet and take care of your health and shape without having to eat meat. As a rule, however, this is not the most optimal and most beneficial solution – especially when it comes to athletes, both professional and amateur. […]
Cool down – a way to improve regeneration
Beginning the journey with strength training, we read a lot about the proper training techniques, using specific movements so that they would be safe for the joints and wouldn’t harm our silhouette. We also read everything related to preparing our body for a training session, or in other words supporting […]
Curcumin: Muscles larger by 50%
Curcumin has gained fame as a means of broad health benefits. Since the state of our muscles, as some time ago, has been mapped to the general state of health, therefore the scientists have not overlooked the muscle tissue in their research on curcumin. By the end of May 2015, […]
What really causes kidney stones and why vitamin C does not?
Swedish research, the results of which were published in JAMA Internal Medicine in March 2013 proved the relationship between forming kidney stones and vitamin C supplementation. More than 23.000 Swedish men took part in the study, who were observed for the period of 11 years. Among 2% of these men […]
Bombshell, the recipe for a great workout!
The choice of pre-workout products is huge. There are a lot of companies on the market using strong stimulants in their “toys.” One of the most valued pre-workout products on the market is BOMBSHELL! A company called URX has added a number of powerful substances in its supplement to enhance […]
Starting with building mass or losing weight?
“I will change my life tomorrow!”, “From tomorrow, I will start exercising and eating healthy”, “I will start taking care of myself and my figure from tomorrow”, “what should I start with? Increasing muscle mass, or maybe losing weight? “I will change my life tomorrow!”, “From tomorrow, I will start […]
Broccoli and cauliflower support the growth and regeneration of muscles
Cruciferous vegetables of the Brassica group, which broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage are a part of, contain a significant amount of secondary metabolites: the glucosinolate and myrosinase enzyme. In the process of shredding or later chewing the vegetables, glucosinolates are transformed into isothiocyanates, such as sulforaphane. Sulforaphane protects against cancerEffect on […]
When to take probiotics?
Answering the question whether it is better to take probiotics before, after or during the meals is not as easy as it may seem. It is visible for example in the descriptions on the probiotics’ packages. Certain producers declare that probiotics should be swallowed during the meals, other claim that […]
Forskolin – natural fat burner
When browsing the labels of the supplements collectively called fat burners, we may repeatedly encounter one ingredient, the extract fromColeus forskohlii, Indian nettle or just forskolin. What are its properties? From Chinese medicine to the market of supplements Therapeutic properties of Coleus froskohliihave been known to Asian people for 3 […]
The best ways to boost your metabolism
I will tell you about some daily habits that can boost your metabolism to burn fat. Those easy tips and tricks will help you to lose weight and bring you closer to your goals. Let’s get started! Get started in the a.m. – Protein-fast breakfast will boost your metabolism!Make some […]
Pre or post work out? Getting the most out of protein for weight loss
What is protein and why should we ingest it? Chemically, protein is composed of amino acids, which are organic compounds made of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen or sulfur. There are twenty amino acids in total, used to develop and maintain just about every part of the body, from our skin […]
Glycerol – from a marathon to weightlifting
Although glycerol has been used for support more than half a century ago, today’s interest in this compound is returning, so – more often – we find it in the recipes of modern athlete nutrition. In the middle of the last century it was used by heavy weight lifters, in […]
Training volume. Why don’t you make progress?
I’ve noticed that adjusting training volume is quite a common problem. I often receive mails with the questions about the appropriateness of a given training plan. The most frequent mistake is improper training volume, not only on one training session, but also in the whole week perspective. From my own […]
Brazil nuts and their properties
Nuts are probably the most nutritious, healthy products and are definitely the basis of a well-balanced diet. Unfortunately, a lot of people still believe the myth that they are too fatty and have too many calories to be considered as a permanent component of a light menu. Today, we will […]
5 ways to reduce muscle pain!
2019, the cliché of new year, new me. Gyms filled with determined newcomers who overdid their first workout and wake up the next morning with terrible muscle soreness. When people complain to me about muscle soreness, I often remember my dad, he always says; ‘to lose the muscle soreness, you […]
Five common mistakes made by beginners
LACK OF PRCISE TRAINING GOAL When starting your adventure with strength training, we primarily need to clearly determine our training goal. We need to make this decision as soon as possible – whether we want to build muscle mass, reduce body fat, increase muscle strength or maybe only improve fitness, […]
What is DMAA and why is it called a Geranium extract?
1,3-dimethylamylamine – this compound (also called Methylhexanamine or DMAA) has caught on to be called Geranium or Geranamine. A few words for a start – DMAA has nothing to do with this plant. The research has proven that a related substance appears only in one Geranium variety – Pelargonium – […]