Tag: fat loss

What and how to eat during weight loss diet?

What and how to eat during weight loss diet?

The first question during the weight loss diet recurs like a boomerang – what to eat on the reduction? How to lose weight effectively and, most importantly, long-lasting without yo-yo effects? How to get rid of troublesome body fat? VegetablesHealthy sources of fat for cookingHow to eat during weight loss?Dietary […]

How to start losing weight?

How to start losing weight?

The decision to start losing weight often comes surprisingly easy. For some people, the critical look at the mirror is enough, for others health is the main concern, and for others simply the desire to fit into the clothes in the lower size. While the decision itself is not a […]

The most dangerous diets

The most dangerous diets

There are many varieties of fasting diet. There are, for example, those which consist of drinking liquids only and not eating solid food at all. Others, on the other hand, allow different products to be introduced gradually. As a rule, a hunger strike causes weakening of the body, slowing down […]

How to avoid hunger!

How to avoid hunger!

Do you want to lose a few kilos using a low-calorie diet? This is the best and healthiest solution that you can choose to lose unnecessary weight. The problem, however, is that we often feel hungry in such a situation and we can not refrain from eating, as a result, […]

Smart tips to lose your belly cheeks!

Smart tips to lose your belly cheeks!

A few extra pounds is not a disaster yet, but the lack of change in nutrition and lifestyle can cause further weight gain, which no one seems to care about. But how do you get there when each slimming diet is too complicated and the situation outside is not conducive […]

How to get rid of the belly?

How to get rid of the belly?

Winter is the time of year during which many people limit physical activity due to adverse weather conditions. In winter, we are also more likely to eat excessively. The effect of this lifestyle is excessive kilos, which often accumulate mainly in the waist area. The beginning of spring is the […]

Slimming in the cold weather

Slimming in the cold weather

Cold weather is not an ideal time for slimming. We usually don’t think about losing weight when the temperature is low outside. What to do to lose weight when the weather is cold outside? Losing weight in the cold weather? We need more caloriesCold weather sports, or how to lose […]

Why losing weight is so hard?

Why losing weight is so hard?

Do we make weight loss harder it should be? Isn’t it just as simple as Food in moderation (calories in vs calories out) and a decent amount of exercise, that sounds easy but to the people I’ve spoken it, it’s much more challenging? 9 Reasons why losing weight is harder […]

Gold 6 Fat Loss Tips

Gold 6 Fat Loss Tips

Here are a few things to consider when weight loss is your primary goal while retaining muscle. Carbs TroubleFasted state is your cardio friend… but you shouldn’t stay with it for too long!No fats and carbs together!Casein for the hungerDon’t overdo with diet!Summary Carbs Trouble Do not consume carbs when […]

Alpha Glycerophosphocholine – Growth Hormone booster!

Alpha Glycerophosphocholine – Growth Hormone booster!

Growth hormone is considered every bodybuilder’s friend. In the world of fitness everybody wants to take a sip from the well of its incredible abilities to support building lean muscles, often seeking them in banned stimulants like injections of HGH or peptides that increase somatotropin secretion. Alpha GPC and Growth […]

Pre or post work out? Getting the most out of protein for weight loss

Pre or post work out? Getting the most out of protein for weight loss

What is protein and why should we ingest it? Chemically, protein is composed of amino acids, which are organic compounds made of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen or sulfur. There are twenty amino acids in total, used to develop and maintain just about every part of the body, from our skin […]

L-arginine – supports weight loss

L-arginine – supports weight loss

It seems that L-arginine may offer both men and women much more than only the „muscle pomp” generated during the training. In the study published around 2 weeks ago it was proven that dosing 3g L-arginine 3 times a day to obese women without diabetes (age between 18 to 40, […]

Why am I not losing weight?

Why am I not losing weight?

You want to lose weight, you start to pay attention to what you eat, you decide to move more, and yet the weight is still the same. You do not know what’s going on, you start to doubt the meaning of what you do and, as a result, accuse your […]

3 mental problems during weight loss

3 mental problems during weight loss

Researchers confirm a large difference between people who are regularly on a diet and people who eat normally. Restricting food, controlling meals and keeping constant discipline do have a big impact on our psyche. Struggle with hunger Being on a diet disturbs the way our body regulates consumed food. Improper […]

CHANGES. Why timing the supply of carbohydrates is important PART 2

CHANGES. Why timing the supply of carbohydrates is important PART 2

In my opinion, we should eat everything: carbohydrates, protein, fats, of course in doses customised for every person. We need carbohydrates, it’s said that around 100g-150g is a minimum that we shouldn’t lower, as it can impact our health, especially the proper functioning of our thyroid. Unfortunately, a lot of […]

Barbells girls

Barbells girls

Since I posted on one of the community portals the photo of my progress of several months, I have received lots of questions on what I did to make my legs slimmer. Indeed, by changing  my training program and eating habits I managed to lose 6 cm from my thigh […]