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In the training plan, the strict sequence of exercises should be determined for both single training as well as for the entire training cycle, and even for the annual macrocycle. The sequence of exercises has a decisive influence on the execution of the planned training effects. By defining the sequence of exercises in a cycle, we can avoid combining exercises for particular muscle groups in a health-threatening way.


Setting the variants of the exercises allows you to choose the most effective set. When developing training sequence, the following should be kept in mind:

- in the first place, exercises on large muscle groups should be performed, next small muscle groups exercises. Keeping this order of exercises will help to avoid fatigue, which is reducing the weights.
- in the first place we perform complex exercises (e.g. squats, pressing) followed by isolation (e.g. exercises on machines, so-called Pec Deck).
- exercises of antagonistic groups (e.g. arm curls with the weight followed by a series of straightening of the arms on the cable machine). The term antagonistic muscle groups should be understood as opposing muscle groups.
- exercises on body definition training: perform as a sequence of various exercises programmed for a given muscle group, in series, one after another.


When preparing the order of exercises, the contraindications should be also taken into consideration:

- due to the long regeneration period of the back muscles, you should not plan your training on the day before of thigh muscles training.
- shoulder training on the day before of chest muscle training.
- shoulder muscles on the day before triceps muscle training.
- biceps muscles on the day before upper back muscles training.
- calf muscles on the day before thigh muscles training.
- forearm muscles on the day before biceps or triceps muscles training.

Principle Characteristics Recommended for
Training Muscles only grow when we train. Without training, the muscles do not grow but shrink, losing strength and circumference. Recommended for everyone - regardless of the training practice
Pyramid training It is the gradation of weights and repetitions, i.e. the first series with low load and high number of repetitions, the last series with big weight and small number of repetitions. Recommended for everyone - regardless of the training practice
Split training Increasing the intensity of training through the use of different variants of training programs. For example, in a given day, a training of the upper half of the body, and on the next day the lower half of the body, increasing the intensity of the exercises; For example, in a given day, the training of the twin muscles of the lower and upper body and the second day of the other muscle groups. Recommended for intermediate and advanced
Instinctive training It is matching all elements of the training to the requirements of one's own organism with trial methods (experimental), i.e. optimal set of series, repetitions, loads, regeneration breaks. Recommended only for advanced
Double-split training Training divided into two sessions during the day. For example, during the morning session, we train 1 or 2 muscle groups, while in the afternoon session the next muscle groups, of which training is scheduled for the day. Recommended for advanced
Principle of priority In this principle, the order of training is set; first exercise (at the highest energy level) for less developed muscle groups, which allows for increased intensity of exercises. Recommended for intermediate and advanced
Ćwiczeń w seriach Stosując zamiast pojedynczych powtórzeń ćwiczenia w seriach na dana grupę mięśniową pobudzamy je do maksymalnej hipertrofii mięśniowej Recommended for everyone - regardless of the training practice
Interleaving training It is to make exercises for small and poorly developed muscle groups between exercises for major muscle groups. E.g. in intervals between series of bench presses on a bench during chest training, exercises for calf or forearm. Recommended for intermediate and advanced
Superseries It is to perform single exercises for antagonistic muscle groups (such as lifting forearms for biceps and straightening arms for triceps), one series of each without intervals or with a short break between them. Recommended for intermediate and advanced
Combined series It is a variation of superseries, with the difference that there are alternate not single exercises but two exercises of each group. Recommended for intermediate and advanced
Trisets (triple series) It involves doing three exercises in the row for the same muscle group, with the shortest rest breaks between them. Example of a triple series: barbell bench press, - an incline dumbbell press - pullover a dumbbell across the bench - involves a whole group of chest muscles. Recommended for advanced to periodical use e.g. in preparation for the competitions
Gigantsets (big series) It involves performing 4 to 6 exercises on the same muscle group with the shortest possible rest breaks between them - used to complete exhaust and maximizing of the stimulation of the exercised muscles. Used only occasionally - the body after such training needs a longer time to recover. It increases the strength of the muscles rather than the increase of its mass. Recommended for advanced
Series with removable weights It is to perform the maximum number of repetitions with a given weight, then decrease it by 10-20% and making further repetitions. The total number of repetitions done in this way is treated as one series. Recommended for advanced
Initial muscle fatigue In this principle, the initial fatigue of large muscles with isolated exercises is performed, in order get to even bigger fatigue of them with complex exercises. For example, if in a complex exercise (such as squats with barbell) in addition to exercised quadriceps, the erector spinae muscles are working, then doing the isolated exercises before the squats (e.g. seated legs extension on the machine), we will initially make only the quadriceps tired and doing the squats, they will be more tired than erector spinae muscles. The method is particularly helpful when we cannot do complex exercises with an adequate weight due to some small injuries. Recommended for advanced
Gradual muscle overload To gain muscle mass, muscles must get a bigger and bigger effort. This can be achieved by increasing the weights (lifting bigger weights) and intensity of exercise (increasing the number of series, repetitions and training using some common sense). The essence of this method is the gradual overloading of the muscles. Recommended for everyone - regardless of the training practice
Increasing of training loads (principle of increasing insensitivity) Over the time muscles adjust their parameters (strength and mass) to the applied loads, which in consequence leads to stopping muscle growth processes. To avoid the negative effects of inhibiting muscle development, they should be forced to gradually increased the effort. Recommended for everyone - regardless of the training practice
Recovery needs After intensive training, muscles must have appropriate conditions for development. Therefore, two conditions must be fulfilled: firstly, damage to the muscle fibers, that occurs during intensive strength training must be repaired by the body, and secondly, after regeneration, muscle fibers still need time to increase their lateral cross section – which means – for development. Simplifying: The amount of time spent on resting must be proportional to the intensity of the training (see Table 1) Recommended for everyone - regardless of the training practice
GAS – general adaptation Experience shows, a period of high intensity training should be followed by lower intensity training, which will prevent overtraining. Recommended for everyone - regardless of the training practice
Isometric It is stretching the muscle during breaks between series. Stress is a form of isometric exercise and it is very effective in separating and emphasizing the definition of each muscle group. Recommended for everyone - regardless of the training practice
Negative repetitions In this exercises, resistance to gravity force is put during lowering the weight. The used weight is generally bigger than the maximum in the given exercise - therefore, the assistance and assurance of partner is needed for training with this method. It is a very intensive form of training - it is recommended to use it only periodically (it also involves a lot of muscle aching) Recommended for advanced
Forced repetitions It consists in performing, with the help of the partner, additional 1-3 moves after the maximum number of repetitions made without assistance. It is a very intensive form of training - it is recommended to use it only periodically (it also involves a lot of muscle aching). Recommended for advanced
Cheated repetitions It involves performing additional 1-3 repetitions at the end of the series with the help of additional body movements such as bouncing the torso during bending the arms with the barbell in standing - technique used periodically - especially during the period of mass and strength building. Too frequent use of this method may lead to bad technical habits. Recommended for advanced
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