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Well developed biceps are desirable not only by bodybuilders. However, when training the muscles of the arms, the need for harmonious development of all muscle groups and proper shape of the whole silhouette should be remembered. Biceps training alone is not too complicated. There are some principles of training:

- in the biceps training, maximum muscle stretch is not equivalent to straightening the arms to the full range of elbow mobility;
- lowering the weight is always slower than lifting;
- exercises require the correct technique to maximize the isolation of the biceps work through a stable position during exercising. Motion only in the elbow joint under constant weight control;
- weights suitable to the individual needs and abilities of the exercising person.

Similar conditions require forearm muscles (thick and developed forearm muscles are characterized by a great strength). Exercises for this muscle group require the concentration and keeping the impeccable technique.

The training is preceded by a proper warm up: general (aerobic exercises to raise body temperature and warm up tendons and joints), focused on the most involved muscles and joints (eg, press ups, circling, swings) and stretching, allowing for the flexibility of the muscles before the main exercises. Start training 1-2 series with less load (less than 50% of maximum weight) and more repetitions in series (12-15).



Muscles Targeted:

biceps, forearm muscles.



Exercise Instructions:

Perform the exercise in the standing position.


Exercise 1: Stand with legs apart for the width of shoulders (or a little wider); Width of the bar grip depending on the biceps head, which is more involved in training:

- close grip (narrower than shoulder width) - greater engagement of short heads;
- medium grip (shoulder width) - both heads involved in the motion;
- wide grip (wider than shoulders) - greater engagement of long heads.

During exercise torso is straight. We make the movement from full biceps stretch to full contraction. Elbows adhere to the torso without changing position, ensuring proper muscle groups work. Inhale at the starting position, exhale after passing the weight through the hardest point of movement. Stopping the movement in the final phase allows for better blood supply to the muscle, provided that the biceps are in full tension. Lowering at a slower rate of lifting, with full control of weight. Exercises can be performed with a straight bar and E-Z bar, which helps to reduce the tension in the wrists. The variation of this exercise is the so-called. "21", consisting of 7 repetitions of lifting only to half of the movement (forearms parallel to the floor), in turn 7 repetitions from half up and ending 7 reps with a full range of motion.

Tips: To avoid overloading of the elbow joints (especially when lowering the bar), smooth, undisturbed exercising it is recommended (without rapid movements and weight swinging). Weight - to avoid serious injuries - should be carefully selected, to your own strength and ability.



Muscles Targeted:

biceps, brachioradialis, forearm muscles



Exercise Instructions:

Exercise can be done is standing or sitting position.


Exercise 1: Individual exercise developing biceps mass and shape or as a warm-up exercise before heavy workout. Recommended performance with "supination" (ie, step by step rotation of the hand during exercise) of the wrist. When standing (or sitting) - straighten shoulders; palms facing each other. Bend arms and change the position of the hand so that, in the final phase of movement, the little fingers are above the thumbs. Straightening of arms ends when biceps is stretched. Exercise can be performed simultaneously with both hands, alternating the hands (switch the hands in a single repetition), or lowering one arm while lifting the other. The choice of exercise variation depends on individual training plan. Placing the elbows as in exercise 1 with a barbell. Exercise can be done without supination of the wrist, but this reduces the effectiveness of the exercise.

Tips: Exercising with wrist supination requires an impeccable technique. By the time it is achieved, exercise should be carried out with a moderate weight, so the elbows work all the time at the torso (not sideways).



Muscles Targeted:

brachialis muscles, biceps, forearm muscles.



Exercise Instructions:

Exercise can be done is standing or sitting position.


Exercise 1: Exercise performed similar to exercise 2, with the difference that the wrist alignment is neutral throughout the whole exercise. Hands facing inwards with thumb up. Elbows kept by the body in a fixed position. Slower and controlled return movement. Exercise can be performed simultaneously with both hands, alternating the hands (switch the hands in a single repetition), or lowering one arm while lifting the other. The choice of exercise variation depends on individual training plan.

Tips: Proper placement of hands and locking of wrists are important for effectiveness of the exercise. You should avoid bouncing the torso and jerks.



Muscles Targeted:

biceps, brachialis muscles, brachioradialis muscles.



Exercise Instructions:

Exercise is performed at a preacher bench or special machine.


Exercise 1: Exercising for weight gain and "bumping" the biceps, thanks to the brachialis muscle, placed under the two-headed, pushing it up. Sit on the seat of the preacher bench. Legs spread to stabilize the position. The upper edge of the preacher bench under the arms. Arms spaced parallel at the shoulder width. The spacing of the hands depends on the purpose of the exercise. Movement starts with full biceps stretch to their full contraction, the forearms should not exceed the vertical line. Lowering the weight at a slower rate than the rate of its lifting, fully controlling its weight. Exercise can be done with a straight or E-Z bar (the wrist tension decreases) or the bar of the low cable pulley (photo 5). The negative phase of motion - straightening of arms should take place with full weight control. Lower the bar slower than we raising. Breathing as in a standing barbell exercise. For this exercise, both a straight barbell and a E-Z bar, which reduces the tension the wrists. This exercise can also be done by replacing the barbell with the low cable pulley (photo 5) or on machines (photo 6).

Tips: Exercise on the preacher bench (Larry Scott's bench) requires a full concentration of the working out person and impeccable technique. The chosen weight should use all the abilities of the exercising person. Excessive load can cause serious injuries.



Muscles Targeted:

biceps, brachialis muscles, brachioradialis muscles.



Exercise Instructions:

Similar to the previous exercise.


Exercise 1: Like in previous exercise (with the barbell), the difference is that barbell is replaced with dumbbells. Arms can work our one another or both at the same time.

Tips: Exercise on the preacher bench (Larry Scott's bench) requires a full concentration of the working out person and impeccable technique. The chosen weight should use all the abilities of the exercising person. Excessive load can cause serious injuries. Dumbbell should be moved parallel to the floor.



Muscles Targeted:

biceps, brachialis muscles, forearm muscles, brachioradialis muscles.



Exercise Instructions:

Seated on the bench set at 45 degree angle.


Exercise 1: Forearms slightly inclined from the trunk, elbows stick to the torso. During the exercise, gradually turn hands (wrist supination). Starting position: straight arms; hands facing each other with fingers, turning as arms are bending gradually. At the final moment of movement (with bent arms) small fingers placed above the thumbs. For better development of biceps, it is recommend to stop the motion in the final position and maximal muscle tension for 1-3 seconds. Exercise can be performed simultaneously with both hands, alternating the hands (switch the hands in a single repetition), or lowering one arm while lifting the other. The choice of exercise variation depends on individual training plan.

Tips: During exercise the torso is stuck to the backrest. Lowering at a moderate pace, slower than lifting, without jerks.



Muscles Targeted:

biceps, brachialis muscles, forearm muscles.



Exercise Instructions:

Seated exercise.


Exercise 1: It is shaping biceps (especially their top part). It requires a high concentration during performing. Sit down slightly lent forward on a bench or chair. Grasp the dumbbell with a hand and rest the elbow on the inside of the thigh. Slowly we lift and lower the weight, concentrating on the technique of performing. Depending on the level of training, wrist supination can be applied. The arms "close" to the end, stretching the muscle at the maximum. We only stretch the arm until the bicep stretches.

Tips: To achieve the planned effects of shaping the biceps muscles (especially their tops), the technique is more important than the weight. Avoid jerks and rapid movements of the weight during exercising.



Muscles Targeted:

biceps, forearm muscles.



Exercise Instructions:

To perform the exercise, stand at pulley cable.


Exercise 1: Like in exercise 1 with the barbell; bar replaced by the pulley bar (or handle – when only one arm exercised).

Tips: Dropping of the weight with the control of the movement (so it does not hit the ground). The length of the pulley cable adjusted to the height of the exercising person. Recommended is the heightening step-on pad. Perform the full movement range.



Muscles Targeted:

brachioradialis muscles (placed on the top of the forearm), biceps, forearm muscles.



Exercise Instructions:

Perform in standing position.


Exercise 1: Stand with legs apart for the width of shoulders (or a little wider), grab the barbell. Elbows still at the trunk, wrists locked in one position throughout the exercise. Movement takes place only in the elbow joints. Lowering at the slow pace and with full control of weight. Breathing, as in a barbell exercise with a reverse grip. Exercise can be done by replacing the bar with the lower pulley bar (photo 13).

Tips: It is recommended to use the straight barbell (using the E-Z bar allows to lift bigger weights but gives smaller results).



Muscles Targeted:

brachioradialis muscles (placed on the top of the forearm), biceps, forearm muscles.



Exercise Instructions:



Exercise 1: Starting position and scope of the exercises the same as in the reverse grip barbell preacher curl. During this exercise, more involved are arm and forearm muscles, and additionally biceps part at the elbow.

Tips: Recommended is a careful selection of the weight which guarantees the correctness of the exercise and reduces the risk of the injury. Lowering the barbell at a slow rate. Avoid any kind of jerks.



Muscles Targeted:

a group of forearm muscles – wrist flexors.



Exercise Instructions:

Seated, the whole forearm rested on the laps.


Exercise 1: Developing inner forearm; essential for the development of this muscles part. Develops the grip strength. Sit and grasp the bar with the reverse grip, the distance of the between hands about 15 cm (wider strains wrists). Rest forearms on the thighs so that only the hands are sticking out of the legs. Only wrists work. The range of motion as big as possible and for this purpose we allow the bar at the lowest position to reach the tips of the fingers, then we squeeze our hand and bend the wrist to the maximum. Exercise can also be done by replacing the bar with the bottom pulley bar or dumbbell (one arm).

Tips: The principle applies: the higher number of repetitions applies – the smaller weight. The number of repetitions in the series is higher than normally (practice until you feel tiredness of forearms - so-called "burning" in forearms after making some extra repetitions). Moderate weight not to expose wrist joints to injuries requiring long-term rehabilitation.



Muscles Targeted:

a group of forearm muscles (Musculus extensor carpi radialis ).



Exercise Instructions:

Same way as in the previous exercise, the difference is in the grip.


Exercise 1: Starting position and technique the same as in the prevision exercise. Lower the barbell maximally bending the wrists (up the movement limits), then we lift up the barbell with the strength of the wrists to the maximum height. Wrists work during performing the exercise.

Tips: The principle applies: the higher number of repetitions applies – the smaller weight. The number of repetitions in the series is higher than normally (practice until you feel tiredness of forearms - so-called "burning" in forearms after making some extra repetitions). Moderate weight not to expose wrist joints to injuries requiring long-term rehabilitation.



Muscles Targeted:

All the heads of biceps.



Exercise Instructions:

Standing in front of the pulley, slightly bending forward.


Exercise 1: Stand with slightly spread legs in front of the pulley, grasp the handle with a width of 10-20 cm, thumbs on the handle. Leaning slightly forward, press down the handle of the lift. The arms are along to the trunk. Only forearms (elbows) work in motion. Total arm stretch to achieve effective muscle tension. The arms are straightened to the end for better muscle tension. The elbows remain motionless when the handle of the lift reaches the upper position, which helps to keep the triceps tension. The condition of correctness of exercise is to maintain constant muscle tension. Smooth movement during lowering is slower than during the lifting. Weight lowered with full control.

Tips: Exercise to build up the mass of all triceps heads, allowing you to use heavy weights without worry, because you can stop exercising at any time without the help of third parties. Nevertheless, the weight must be selected to meet the technical specifications of performing the exercise. For the exercise a straight handle can be used or a bent handle (reducing wrist strain). Avoid weight lifting with your whole body.



Muscles Targeted:

Long heads and medial heads of triceps brachii muscle.



Exercise Instructions:

It can be performed in standing or seated position. In seated position, it is good to have a stable support (for example an incline bench).


Exercise 1: The exercise develops all three heads of the triceps muscles (especially the long head). Work out using a straight or E-Z barbell (it allows you to increase the range of motion and reduce the strain that occur in the wrists). The elbows placed close to the head are immobile during exercise. Movement range: from full arm extension, full bend in elbows with simultaneous weight control while lowering. Lowering the barbell without full control of the weight causes the elbow joint overload and can cause painful injuries. The exercise can be done by replacing the bar with a straight or E-Z bar of the low pulley (photo 24), and with a thick knotted rope (with a parallel grip) with a dumbbell held with both hands ( photo 25), bearing in mind the need for equal engagement of both hands.

Tips: Exercise should be performed correctly with moderate weights, with constant tension of exercised muscles. The safety is achieved this way, as the possibility of injury is eliminated and satisfactory training results are gained.



Muscles Targeted:

When holding the arm vertically, the most are involved long heads of triceps brachii.  


Exercise Instructions:

Exercise can be performed in standing or seated position (allows for better concentration and eliminates additional movements).


Exercise 1: This is a variation of the previous exercise, which allows for better concentration on the muscles of each arm (left or right triceps). The elbows placed close to the head are immobile during exercise. Movement range: from full arm extension, full bend in elbows with simultaneous weight control while lowering. Lowering the barbell without full control of the weight causes the elbow joint to overload and can cause painful injuries. Lowering the bar at slower than lifting. The handlebar can be replaced with the handle of the low pulley (photo 27).

Tips: Exercise should be performed correctly with moderate weights, with constant tension of exercised muscles. The safety is achieved this way, as the possibility of injury is eliminated and satisfactory training results are gained.



Muscles Targeted:

all the heads of triceps, medial head is involved the most.



Exercise Instructions:

Lying on the horizontal bench.


Exercise 1: We grasp the bar (if grasped with a reverse grip - engaging more lateral head of the triceps, and less of the medial head) to a width of shoulders or smaller. For exercise we use a straight or E-Z bar (reduces strain in the wrists). We straighten the arms (to the locked elbows) lifting the bar above the forehead, and the arms forming an angle in the range of 45 – 90 degrees with the floor. Only the elbows work. Only forearms remain in motion. We carry weight along the arc: from the forehead to the starting position. Lowering slower than lifting. Exercise is performed alternately on an incline bench (head upwards, providing greater activity of the lateral and medial heads, in on the decline bench - long heads of triceps are more involved). The exercise can be performed on the low pulley bar (photo 29).

Tips: Exercise should be performed with the technical correctness (full isolation of triceps brachii) with moderate weight, at the constant tension of exercised muscles. The safety is achieved this way, as the possibility of injury is eliminated and satisfactory training results are gained.



Muscles Targeted:

lateral and medial heads of triceps brachii muscles.


Exercise Instructions:

Pozycja podczas ćwiczenia zależy od rodzaju posiadanego sprzętu np. na ławce skośnej z głową w dół lub do góry (fot. 31).Position during exercising depends on the type of the owned equipment, for example on the incline bench with head up or head down on the decline bench (photo 31).


Exercise 1: Hammer grip allows to involve maximally lateral and medial heads of triceps brahii muscles. Technique similar to exercises with barbell. Lower dumbbells near the head. Work of muscle heads the same as in exercise 4.

Tips: Exercise should be performed with proper technique (full isolation of triceps muscle) with moderate weights, with constant tension of exercised muscles. The weight remains under constant control. The safety is achieved this way, as the possibility of injury is eliminated and satisfactory training results are gained.



Muscles Targeted:

lateral and medial heads of triceps brachii muscles.



Exercise Instructions:

With one leg and one supporting arm placed on the horizontal bench.


Exercise 1: Lean forward placing one arm on the bench. Lift the dumbbell held in the other hand above the back line by placing the forearm perpendicular to the ground. Working with triceps only, we straighten arm in the elbow, lifting the weight to full extension. For better muscle tension, stop the motion in the final phase of lifting for a few seconds.

Tips: Exercise should be done with proper technique (full isolation of triceps work) with moderate weights, with constant tension of exercised muscles, avoiding cheated movements and work other than exercised muscle groups. The weight remains under constant control. When lowering the weight, slower movement. The safety is achieved this way, as the possibility of injury is eliminated and satisfactory training results are gained.



Muscles Targeted:

medial and long heads of triceps brachii muscles



Exercise Instructions:

Standing backwards to the pulley cable.


Exercise 1: Stand backwards to the high cable pulley in lunge, grasp the handle (bar) and straighten the arms in a horizontal plane. Lowering phase slower than lifting phase, with full control of weight during exercise.

Tips: Only forearms make the movement during exercising. The shoulder joint locked. Involved elbow joint. Exercises are not recommended for beginners, because it requires proper technique (technical mistakes can cause serious injury). When lowering weight, slower movement.



Muscles Targeted:

medial and long heads of triceps brachii muscles



Exercise Instructions:

The same way as in the previous exercise – the difference is placing elbows on the support, for example the horizontal bench.


Exercise 1: With the additional support (bench) for the elbows, allows for better concentration and isolation of the work of the triceps. Kneeling with the body lent forward, we grab the bar (or handle) of the high cable pulley located behind the back. Elbows on the bench. Straighten the arms with the forearm (only the elbows). Full range of motion: light arc from maximum bend to full arm extension, horizontally.

Tips: Keep the elbows placed on the bench through the entire exercise. Slower and controlled movement during lowering the weight.



Muscles Targeted:

all heads of triceps brachii muscles.ych ramion.



Exercise Instructions:

Hold the bars with a neutral grip, arms straight, chest pushed forward, legs slightly bent in the knees.


Exercise 1: The distance of the dripping bars should slightly exceed the width of the shoulders. Lowering and lifting of the body is done by bending the arms in the elbows. During the whole exercise, the elbows should be as close as possible to the trunk. Torso upright (leaning forward reduces the work of triceps, increasing the involvement of the chest muscles). Movement range: from maximum bend to full arm extension. Moderate pace, no jerks and too fast lowering. Advanced bodybuilders can exercise with extra weight (with lots of repetitions in the series).

Tips: During the exercise, avoid contact of feet with the ground should be avoided (so called cheat movements). Excessive lowering during exercise causes overloading of the shoulder joints.



Muscles Targeted:

all heads of triceps brachii muscles.



Exercise Instructions:

Both legs (heels) and hands placed on the elevation the way, that body can be freely lowered.


Exercise 1: Perform lowering and lifting of the trunk with hands placed on the bench behind the back, legs on another bench (higher than bench, on which hands are placed). Arms fully extended for better muscle tension. Lowering motion slow, lifting motion slightly faster. Exercise can be done with the grip or placing the bench alongside, hands on the edge on sides of the bench (parallel grip). Increase the difficulty of the exercise by using additional weight (eg, the pate on the laps) (gif 10). For better activation of the muscles, several repetitions can be done without an additional weight, and then ask your partner to put a plate on the laps and do another several repetitions. Make the switch. This is the perfect exercise to maximize “pumping" of the triceps at the end of the training.

Tips: Podczas opuszczania się nie dotykamy podłogi (odpowiednia wysokość ławek). Zbyt głębokie opuszczanie przeciąża stawy barkowe.



Muscles Targeted:

all heads of triceps brachii muscles.



Exercise Instructions:

Exercise performed in standing position.


Exercise 1: Similar to arm extension, but because of the of the difficult grip to master, it is more difficult to perform. Elbows close to the torso, full range of the movement in the elbows. Control of the weight during exercising, lowering slower than lifting. At the end phase of the extension, stop the motion to achieve better tension of the muscles.

Tips: Careful selection of weight is recommended because the elbow joint is more vulnerable to injuries. Exercise is carried out smoothly, avoiding jerks and rapid movements.



Muscles Targeted:

all heads of triceps brachii muscles, chest muscles.



Exercise Instructions:

Lying down on the back on the flat bench, feet placed on the floor.


Exercise 1: The exercising technique is similar to the technique of the chest pressing with the close grip. The difference is in the position and work of the elbows. The elbows are directed slightly to the center (about 35-45 degrees to the trunk). Grip for shoulder width (or narrower). We practice using a E-Z bar to reduce wrist tension and gain a better concentration on the biceps work. We stop movement before locking the elbows before reaching the full extension of the arms, resulting in increased triceps muscle tension. Exercise can be done with a straight bar, or with a Smith machine (photo 39).

Tips: Too narrow grip overloads the elbows and wrists. It is recommended to select the proper weight, so the chest muscles are not involved.

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