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Muscles Targeted:

Vastus lateralis, intermedius and medialis heads of quadriceps femoris muscles are working the most.



Exercise Instructions:

The exercise is performed in the standing position, lifting the barbell of the rack or on the machines.


Exercise 1: Stand under the bar on the rack, shoulders dropped down and back, barbell touching the back of the neck on the upper part of trapezius muscles, hands placed in the comfortable and stable position of the bar, chest up, natural curvature of spine (the lower part of the dorsum pushed forward, legs stance depends of the sense the stability). Feet wilder than shoulders (change of feet stance allows to exercise muscles under different angles), feet planted to the ground, the body weight on the heels, head a little up. Exhale when you take the bar from the rack and start the move downwards. Exhale and inhale during the motion. Curved back remain motionless, only legs work, hips and feet make one line (do lot let your knees pass the front of the toes). Go down to the maximum stretch when control of quadriceps femoris muscles disappears. Begin to return to the starting position, pushing the heels, raise up, while pushing the hips forward until the starting position reached. This exercise can be done with a barbell (photo 1), dumbbells (photo 3), Smith machine (photo 2) or machine (photo 6). The alternative version of the exercise is partial squat or shallow squat (photo 4), performed on Smith machine (photo 5). In this case, we reduce the range of motion as we lower down until the legs are bent to an angle slightly smaller than 90 degrees.

Tips: After proper warm-up, take 1 to 2 pre-series with smaller weight. After that you can start performing the exercise with a full weight that is individually selected to the level of training of the trainee.



Muscles Targeted:

During the exercise, work vastus lateralis, intermedius and medialis heads quadriceps femoris muscles.



Exercise Instructions:

The same way as previous exercise, but with the bar in front.


Exercise 1: The same technique as with regular squats, with bigger work of quadriceps femoris muscles thanks to the upright position of the body, which is the result of the position of the barbell. Bar placed on the front part of the deltoid muscle and upper part of the chest. Hands at the shoulder width distance, reverse grip (less comfortable but more safe) (photo 8), closer grip with overhand grip and crossed arms (grip less tiring for wrists but less safe with heavy weights)

Tips: After proper warm-up, take 1 to 2 pre-series with smaller weight. After that you can start performing the exercise with a full weight that is individually selected to the level of training of the trainee..



Muscles Targeted:

all heads of quadriceps femoris muscles.



Exercise Instructions:

Exercise is different from the regular squats with the position of a barbell. Barbell placed behind back under glutes, with straight hand.


Exercise 1: Due to the technique of performing and position of the barbell we use smaller weights than when doing regular squats. In the starting position, the torso is straight, the chest is pushed forward, the legs are wide apart, the arms are straight along the torso, and the arms of the barbell is in the hands. We make a squat until the legs are bent at an angle of 90 degrees or close to this value. At the same time knees are slightly pushed forward without taking the feet off the ground. The weight is pushed out of the heel. You can perform the exercise with Smith machine

Tips: To increase the range of motion, the put small pates on the bar.



Muscles Targeted:

Depending on the position of the feet, different muscles are involved:

feet in the hip line (photo 11) – muscles the most involved are lateralis and intermedius heads quadriceps femoris muscles, adductor brevis and adductor magnus and gracilis muscles,
feet moved forward (photo 12) - with feet taken forward, the following muscles don’t work: the adductor longus, rectus femoris of quadriceps femoris muscles and gracilis muscle; the remaining muscles work as if positioning the feet in the hips line.



Exercise Instructions:

Exercise is performed on the platform of the machine.


Exercise 1: Stand on the platform of the machine, straight back, bent forward in the lower section, feet parallel at the shoulder width, in the hips line or slightly forward (depending on the exercise version), so that the hips do not detach from the back support. The arms are bent, the hands on the machine handles. Weight pushed from the feet. From this position, lower unit, performing the squat until the knees bend at an angle of 90 degrees or less, not too deep, otherwise the tension and control the quadriceps femoris muscles might be lost.

Tips: Too deep squats put stress on knees and may cause injuries.



Muscles Targeted:

all heads of quadriceps femoris muscles.



Exercise Instructions:

Exercise is performed holding the weight against the chest.


Exercise 1: Exercise is done with or without weight. Hold a plate in one hand and put it against the chest, the other hand we support to maintain balance. Make a squat with a strong tilt back and raise the heels, accompanied by knees push forward, which results in better stretching of the upper thigh muscles and increasing difficulty of exercise.

Tips: The most important element of the exercise is a technique that depends on the selection of the proper weight.



Muscles Targeted:

heads of quadriceps femoris muscles (depending on the feet position):

feet placed parallel - all heads of quadriceps femoris muscles,
feet with toes turned in - rectus femoris and vastus medialis of quadriceps femoris muscles,
feet with toes turned out - rectus femoris, vastus medialis and vastus intermedius of quadriceps femoris muscles



Exercise Instructions:

seated exercise performed on the special machine..


Exercise 1: Sit on the saddle of the machine (bench with backrest - for stability of the torso), hold the bar or edge of the machine. Legs bent in knees, feet positioned at an ankle height at a bar of machine.). extend your legs (knees straightened). Stop for a moment to get better muscle tension. Return slowly to the start position with weight control. Inhale before starting to straighten, exhale in the final phase of straightening the legs.

Tips: Exercise which is warming up the muscles of the upper leg before the squats. Exercise with a steady, gradual pace to avoid muscle tension



Muscles Targeted:

all heads of quadriceps femoris muscles and adductor magnus and adductor brevis muscles, quality of the exercise depends on the feet positioning – the more feet moved backwards, the more are involved vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius and vastus medialis of quadriceps femoris muscles.



Exercise Instructions:

It is performed on different machines using different angles to allow for more comprehensive workout..


Exercise 1: Sit on the machine, resting our feet on the shoulder width so that they lie on the platform of the machine, legs straight in the knees. The pace of performing is slow (or slightly accelerated), bend the legs in the knees at right angle (or slightly smaller). This exercise is performed on inhalation. Then exhale, press the weight with full control of movement.




Muscles Targeted:

biceps femoris muscles, semitendinosus muscles, gracilis and sartorius muscles..



Exercise Instructions:

Lie face down on a special machine stand at the cable pulley


Exercise 1: This exercise is performed with a cable pulley and a special leg straps (photo 19). Or using a machine (photo 20). Lie face down so only lower legs, below knees are out of the bench only the lower leg knees, the legs stretched in the knees, the heel fixed on the pad over the heels (at Achilles tendon), the hands clamped on the handles (or sides of the machine). Curl your legs up bending the knees as much as possible, stopping motion in the final phase for better muscle tension. Go back to starting position at moderate pace and with full weight control. During the exercise, the torso, and in particular the hips, are kept flat on the bench. Inhale before starting the bending of the legs, exhale in the final phase of curling up. Alternatively, exercise can be performed by standing on the one leg: on the machine - (photo 21); on the cable pulley (photo 22).

Tips: Hips, during exercise, are flat on the bench. Arching the hips shortens the range of motion (so-called cheated movement). Exercise steadily to avoid muscle tension.



Muscles Targeted:

adductor brevis and adductor magnus , at a lesser degree vastus lateralis, intermedius and medialis heads quadriceps femoris muscles.



Exercise 1: Starting position, as in normal squats. Take a step forward with one foot, so when you make the squat and you front knee is bent about 90 degrees, front lower leg is perpendicular to the floor, and the lap is parallel. Lower your hips until front leg is bent at an angle of about 90 degrees. Return to our starting position and change the leg (we perform on the other leg). The bacg leg, which does not take part in the exercise, slightly bent in the knee, and during the exercise is supported on the toes (the heel is of the ground). Inhale at the moment of taking the step, exhale when rising from the squat. Exercise is performed with a bar held on the neck (photo 23) or barbell held in hands, freely kept down the torso (photo 24).

A similar exercise (in terms of muscle involvement) is a split squat, squat is performed on the front leg in the stance. The difference is in making a few dozen repetitions first on one, then on the other leg.

Tips: It is advisable to carefully select the weight because of the involvement in the exercise of susceptible to injuries muscles (such as the adductor muscles). The foot of the front leg is plated to the floor (the weight is pushed from the heels).



Muscles Targeted:

adductor brevis and adductor magnus , at a lesser degree vastus lateralis, intermedius and medialis heads quadriceps femoris muscles.



Exercise Instructions:

the same way as the previous exercise, the difference is in the stance.


Exercise 1: The exercise is reverse to the previous exercise: back stance instead of front stance. The lunge is performed on the front leg (the leg that remains in place). The exercise is performed with the barbell (photo 25) or with the dumbbell (photo 26) or with the Smith machine (photo 27).

Tips: It is advisable to carefully select the weight because of the involvement in the exercise of susceptible to injuries muscles (such as the adductor muscles). The foot of the front leg is plated to the floor (the weight is pushed from the heels).



Muscles Targeted:

adductor brevis and adductor magnus , at a lesser degree vastus lateralis, intermedius and medialis heads quadriceps femoris muscles.



Exercise Instructions:

Stand in front of an immovable, sturdy bench with weight on the shoulders at the back or dumbbells in the hands.



Exercise 1: Stand with legs apart, slightly narrower than the shoulder width, in front of the bench (platform) - in a position like for squats. The bar rests on the shoulders (photo 28), the dumbbells are held in hands loosely along the trunk (photo 29). Step with one foot on the bench, then put the other leg. For a moment stand with straight legs, controlling muscle tension. Return motion is the inverse of the rising. Inhale before stepping on the bench, exhale when both legs are on the bench. Each repetition starts with the adverse leg. Trained in this exercise is the first leg stepping on the bench.


Tips: Platform and bench must be strong and stable, To support the body weight and weight of the bar or dumbbells. Put your foot on the bench with a full surface of the sole.



Muscles Targeted:

Gluteal muscles, erectro spinae muscle, biceps femoris muscles.



Exercise Instructions:

Gluteal muscles, erectro spinae muscle, biceps femoris muscles.


Exercise 1: Stand in front of the low cable pulley at a distance so that the cable is tense when the leg is pushed forward, the torso bent forward, the arms straight in front, the hands hold the pulley casing (to maintain balance during the exercise). Trained leg linked to the pulley cable with a cable cuff on the leg at an ankle. With then trained leg, pull the leg maximally to the back, keeping the leg extended (or slightly bent - to reduce tension in the knee). Movement takes place only in the hip. In the position of maximum backward extension, stop motion for a moment for better muscle tension. Then we return to the starting position. Return at slow pace and under full control of weight. Inhale before starting to pull the leg, exhale at the end of pulling.

Tips: Perform exercise at a steady rate to avoid dropping of the muscle tension and so called cheated work out.



Muscles Targeted:

Adductor magnus muscles.



Exercise Instructions:

Exercise is performed on the special machine.


Exercise 1: Sit down on the saddle of the machine, leaning back against the backrest. Legs bent at knees at right angle, positioned on machine pads. Press up the legs inwards and overcome the resistance of the machine, then pause for a moment for better muscle tension. Return at a slow pace and under control of the weight to the starting position. Inhale before starting pressing legs, exhale when legs are close to each other.

Tips: Perform exercise at a steady rate to avoid dropping of the muscle tension and so called cheated work out.

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