In summer they taste in the best way when fresh. Cocktails, ice cream and various desserts based on them are extremely popular. In winter and autumn, we enjoy juices and jams. And when we get cold, it is best to have tea with raspberries to warm us up. Raspberries, apart from being extremely tasty, have many beneficial properties for us. They are also widely used in cosmetics.
Health properties of raspberries
Raspberries are a real vitamin bomb. By dealing with them, we provide ourselves:
- Vitamins C, K, B1, B2, B6, E, and thus strengthen our immune system
- Organic acids - citric, ascorbic, salicylic and malic acid
- Potassium - regulates water-electrolyte metabolism of the body and is recommended for people suffering from kidney and gallbladder diseases. Potassium also affects skin firmness
- Iron and copper - irreplaceable for people with anaemia
- Magnesium - has a calming effect, regulates well-being and lowers blood pressure,
- Calcium - essential for healthy bones
- Phosphorus - a microelement necessary for the proper functioning of every cell in our body
They also contain a lot of fibre, which improves metabolism.
Anthocyanins and compounds belonging to the group of polyphenols make raspberries have an antioxidant effect. They protect against free radicals and delay the ageing process. Ellagic acid, which is also an antioxidant, strengthens the body's immunity and inhibits the development of intestinal bacteria.
Thanks to their diastolic properties they are very good for women struggling with painful periods. They are also a dietary product because the sugars they contain (fructose, sucrose and glucose) are easily absorbed by the body. They take part in digestive processes and help the body to cleanse itself of toxins.
Raspberries are a natural remedy that helps to fight a fever. I guess each of us has used them at least for once in our lives. Nothing helps with a cold like hot tea with raspberry juice. This is because raspberries stimulate the sweat glands. Sweat, evaporating from the skin, lowers the temperature. Moreover, the essential oils contained in raspberries have a warming effect.
It is not only raspberry fruit that has a good influence on us. Infusions from raspberry leaves have astringent, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Just like leaves, they have an antipyretic effect.
In addition to eating raspberries, it's worthwhile to look at how fantastic it works on our skin. In drugstores, there are plenty of cosmetics based on raspberries not by chance. We can make our own raspberry masks at home.

How to use raspberries in the kitchen?
Raspberry muffins
- 300 g of flour
- 2 teaspoons of baking powder
- 150 g of sugar
- 1 egg
- vanilla extract
- 225 ml of milk
- 50 g of butter
- a bar of white chocolate
- raspberries
The flour with baking powder should be sieved. Pour in the sugar, whisk in an egg, add a few teaspoons of the vanilla extract and milk and mix. Pour in the melted butter and stir until you get a homogenous mass. Cut the chocolate into not too large pieces.
We leave some of the fruit to decorate, the rest is put into the dough. Mix gently, trying not to crush the raspberries.
Muffin mouldings are covered with parchment. Take the dough with a spoon, slide your finger into the moulds. Inside, make a cavity, put a raspberry there. Sprinkle the whole thing with chocolate.
Place the moulds on a baking tray and put them into an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Bake until the cupcakes are browned - about half an hour.
Raspberries are fantastic both fresh as well as a base of preserves. They belong to one of our favourite fruits. For us, the most delicious are those in September. But raspberries are good not only because of their taste. They are a real vitamin bomb and have a number of properties that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of our whole body.
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