Tag: vitamin d

Menopause: Natural ways to tackle both the symptoms and the long term effects of reduced oestrogen in the body

Menopause: Natural ways to tackle both the symptoms and the long term effects of reduced oestrogen in the body

The menopause is a natural biological event that all women go through usually in their 40s or 50s. As women age, their fertility decreases until it eventually stops. This process is an actual biological process that mainly concerns changes in levels of certain hormones, particularly oestrogen. Oestrogen is mainly produced […]

Vitamin D and Omega-3 fatty acids regulate serotonin level.

Vitamin D and Omega-3 fatty acids regulate serotonin level.

Serotonin regulates many brain func tions and behaviors. Such disorders as attention deficit, hyperactivity, bipolar disease, schizophrenia or impulsive behaviors are connected to the improper serotonin level. Vitamin D and Omega-3 fatty acids supplementation demonstrates a beneficial effects in all the above mentioned disorders.Source: Vitamin D and Omega-3 fatty acids […]

Vitamin D deficiencies – are you in the group of increased risk?

Vitamin D deficiencies – are you in the group of increased risk?

There are some groups of people, who have higher-than-average needs for vitamin D. They are elderly people, people with darker complexion, people who live away from the equator and those who deal with certain ailments. Elderly peoplePeople with dark complexionResidents of countries far from the equatorPeople with diseases which decrease […]

Vitamins, their bioavailability and changes during storage, baking and boiling

Vitamins, their bioavailability and changes during storage, baking and boiling

In connection to storing various products (temperature, pH, access to light, etc.) and their technological treatment (baking, boiling etc.), the content of vitamins in these products changes. What also changes is their bioavailability due to chemical alterations of compounds contained in a given product. In this post, I will present […]

Vitamin D and strength

Vitamin D and strength

Vitamin D is one of many nutrients our bodies need to stay healthy. Among the vitamin’s main functions, it helps the body: Absorb calcium. Vitamin D, along with calcium, helps build bones and keep bones strong and healthy. Block the release of parathyroid hormone. This hormone reabsorbs bone tissue, which […]

How does vitamins become active?

How does vitamins become active?

At the moment when we take vitamins (whether in supplements or in food) our body transforms them into active forms that can be assimilated. Only in this way can they fully use their beneficial effects. Vitamins are activated in a variety of chemical processes, such as methylation – it consists […]

Vitamin D reduces acne

Vitamin D reduces acne

The Korean study published in the journal PLoS One in 2016 dealt with the influence of vitamin D on common acne. Acne and vitamin D level The level of vitamin D was tested in 80 people suffering from acne. Deficits were detected in 48,4% of patients with acne and only […]