Tag: carbohydrates

The anabolic window – fact or myth

The anabolic window – fact or myth

The anabolic window is the time immediately after training when the body uses the nutrients most effectively. A meal consumed during the anabolic window ensures proper muscle regeneration and enables faster muscle growth. Muscle growthCarbohydrates after trainingWhen to eat protein after training Muscle growth Every active person who wants to […]

Mostly common carbohydrate – starch

Mostly common carbohydrate – starch

Starch is a plant substance that belongs to the group of carbohydrates. Naturally occurring starch is a nutrient that provides complex carbohydrates in the diet. After proper processing, it is widely used in the industry. Check what properties starch has and what products it is present in. Starch – propertiesStarch […]

Post Workout Carbs

Post Workout Carbs

Carbohydrates are the preferred energy food source for the human body. All the carbs we eat are converted into the only type of sugar that circulates in the blood, namely glucose. Yet the body is capable of using other sources of energy. For example, the lactate produced as a result […]

Carbohydrates – myths and legends

Carbohydrates – myths and legends

 Carbohydrates were at the height of their popularity during the mid-90s. When “fat-free” became the desired state, people turned to carbs instead. Consumers soon learned that a high carb diet wasn’t so healthy either. Today, between marketers who promote packaged carbs as “heart healthy” and fitness “experts” who espouse that […]

Manipulating your carbohydrates

Manipulating your carbohydrates

Want to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time? Want to have a ripped physique but also have super-freak strength? Having a great training program and doing some cardio will get you far, but to get massive muscle and be lean, it’s all about manipulating your macronutrients – […]

Carbohydrates or fats?

Carbohydrates or fats?

During your stay at the city gym, when you finished lacing shoes before leaving the dressing room, you certainly heard more than one discussion about nutrition during the period of body fat reduction. Sentences of practitioners who do not develop their theoretical knowledge are strongly divided – some encourage lower […]

Supplementation for people beginning their adventure with bodybuilding

Supplementation for people beginning their adventure with bodybuilding

Many beginners ask themselves a question whether they should reach for any supplements already at the beginning of their adventure with strength training. When they finally make a decision, they have doubts, which supplement to choose, what will be appropriate for them and what will be a redundant additive, which […]

Should we eat during training?

Should we eat during training?

A lot of attention is paid to what we should eat before and after training. There is also a lot of discussion around the topic of proper hydration during training. Less is being said about eating during physical effort. Should we eat during training? Should you eat during training?Why providing […]

Five common mistakes made by beginners

Five common mistakes made by beginners

LACK OF PRCISE TRAINING GOAL When starting your adventure with strength training, we primarily need to clearly determine our training goal. We need to make this decision as soon as possible – whether we want to build muscle mass, reduce body fat, increase muscle strength or maybe only improve fitness, […]

Advantages of PF breakfast

Advantages of PF breakfast

We know that P+F type breakfast is really popular right now. I myself personally prefer this approach with several important factors that I will give below. The issue of not denying the standard thought of “porridge with fruit must be a fundamental element of the morning diet” is clear if […]

How to successfully build muscle mass?

How to successfully build muscle mass?

Step I The very first and basic step in composing any diet is calculating our caloric needs. At the moment of such a calculation we take the first step on the way of being a master of our weight. The formula that is provided below is one of the best […]