Author: Sven Nicholson

What is Yerba Mate Tea?

What is Yerba Mate Tea?

You might have noticed professional football players are recently drinking a lot of tea from their coconut shaped cups with metal straws and it made me wonder, what are they drinking and why? So that is exactly what I am discussing in today’s blog post! Yerba Mate popularity First of […]

What are Amino Acids?

What are Amino Acids?

You hear them often, but maybe you have no idea what they actually are, Amino Acids. In today’s blog, I will explain what amino acids are, why you need them and how to implement them in your lifestyle. First of what are Amino Acids?Essential Amino AcidsNon-essential Amino AcidsConditionally Essential Amino […]

Is exercising while pregnant the way to go?

Is exercising while pregnant the way to go?

Recently I came across an article regarding exercise and pregnant women. This made me think, there haven’t been many blogs on this website talking about pregnancy and exercise, so why not talk about that today? Is exercise while being pregnant safe? Are there certain sports you cannot do or exercises […]

What is IIFYM?

What is IIFYM?

IIFYM is becoming a very famous abbreviation, but what does it mean and why is it so popular? Read all about this specific way of eating in today’s blog! IIFYM in nutshell IIFYM stands for ‘If It Fits Your Macros’ and simply said it’s a principle in which you do […]

5 Meal timing myths

5 Meal timing myths

I often hear and see people ‘running’ to their protein shake the moment they finish their workout. ‘I need to get immediately protein inside me before the anabolic window closes!’ is what they often say. And others try to eat every 3 hours to ‘keep the metabolism working’. But is […]

Raw honey

Raw honey

Honey, the stuff that bees make in their hives, is harvested, then processed for sale and ends up in your tea. Did you know that it is actually healthier eaten raw? Fresh from the hive? Let me convince you to try raw honey instead of regular honey. What is honey? […]