Tag: magnesium

Which magnesium should you choose? – The best forms of magnesium!

Which magnesium should you choose? – The best forms of magnesium!

Magnesium is a supplement that’s been recently extremely promoted in marketing. Every now and again, new advertisements are created, ensuring an ever greater biorecision, bioavailability and absorption. As you know, however, ads are not always compatible with the actual state of affairs and emphasize the positive features of the product, […]

And once again about magnesium!

And once again about magnesium!

Magnesium improves the work of grey matter in the brain and helps prevent heart disease. Magnesium deficiency gives symptoms that are not very specific and that’s why many of us are not aware of it. Everything upset you, you sleep badly and sometimes you get cramps? Or maybe you complain […]

Why magnesium is so important in daily supplementation?

Why magnesium is so important in daily supplementation?

Magnesium is the second most common micronutrient in human cells. It helps regulate the activity of over 300 enzymes and plays a role in various processes taking place in the body, including metabolism, fatty acid  and protein synthesis; muscle control, electrical impulses, energy production and elimination of toxins. Lyme diseaseMagnesium […]

The perfect combination of zinc and magnesium

The perfect combination of zinc and magnesium

The rapid development of the supplement market has meant that today we have a huge selection of products that we can use strictly for our purpose. What’s more, individual components are often combined into multi-component formulas, saving our time and, above all, money. One of such formulas is the recently […]

#19 Supplements review – Apollo’s Hegemony Magnesium Malate

#19 Supplements review – Apollo’s Hegemony Magnesium Malate

It’s hard to say anything new about magnesium, due to how intensively its properties are exploited by the modern supplementation and pharmacological markets. Practically every day there are new “revolutionary” and “most absorbable” preparations containing it. However, more marketing is behind those rather than biochemical facts. It is worth knowing […]