Tag: minerals

And once again about magnesium!

And once again about magnesium!

Magnesium improves the work of grey matter in the brain and helps prevent heart disease. Magnesium deficiency gives symptoms that are not very specific and that’s why many of us are not aware of it. Everything upset you, you sleep badly and sometimes you get cramps? Or maybe you complain […]

Diet and beautiful skin

Diet and beautiful skin

What you eat not only translates into how you feel – but also how you look like. And this applies not only to your figure but also to your complexion. To make it look young and radiant, you don’t have to use expensive creams or expensive treatments. All you need […]

Why you should eat more bananas?

Why you should eat more bananas?

Bananas are fruits that contain many minerals and numerous vitamins. Bananas are primarily a treasury of potassium, which is why people struggling with hypertension should reach for them. Bananas will also help children with ulcers and diarrhoea. However, banana peel is a proven way for warts, mosquito bites and teeth […]

Vitamin-mineral complex NEW RANKING 2021

Vitamin-mineral complex NEW RANKING 2021

Nowadays, we rarely have the opportunity to eat a healthy meal rich in vegetables and fruits. We are swallowing vitamins and minerals, often guided only by the price of a given complex. Can vitamins and mineral supplements improve sport performance?Do vitamins and minerals supplements work?What vitamins and minerals supplements should […]

Why your workout isn’t working…

Why your workout isn’t working…

Have you ever encountered on your way physically active people – regularly running, working out at the gym a few times a week, generally active and not avoiding sport, but still having a few extra kilograms? These people perform reasonable trainings, it would seem that they are so active that […]

Supplementation for people beginning their adventure with bodybuilding

Supplementation for people beginning their adventure with bodybuilding

Many beginners ask themselves a question whether they should reach for any supplements already at the beginning of their adventure with strength training. When they finally make a decision, they have doubts, which supplement to choose, what will be appropriate for them and what will be a redundant additive, which […]