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Aronia – properties and application

Aronia – properties and application

Aronia and its preparations are a strong weapon in the fight against civilization diseases such as atherosclerosis and cancer. Chokeberry fruits are rich in bioactive plant compounds and vitamins with beneficial health effects. What properties does chokeberry have? Can chokeberry be used for children? How and what is its juice […]

Which herbs to use for fragile blood vessels?

Which herbs to use for fragile blood vessels?

The fragility of blood vessels, manifested, among others frequent bruising has many causes. What are the preconditions to bruising? How to counteract them? How to treat bruises naturally? Fragile blood vesselsBruises and hematomasHow to treat bruises?Why these particular herbs for bruising? Fragile blood vessels Cracking and fragility of small blood […]

How to care and what to use for joints?

How to care and what to use for joints?

Sometimes, it is enough to eliminate bad eating habits and start playing sports to enjoy better joint condition again. It is also worth following the specialist’s recommendations regarding prevention of joints diseases. Regular intake of appropriate dietary supplements will also support the proper functioning of the osteoarticular system. What substances […]

Lemongrass and lemon verbena – to improve immunity

Lemongrass and lemon verbena – to improve immunity

Verbena and lemongrass are becoming more and more popular. And not only because of its refreshing lemon aroma, but above all – thanks to their health-promoting properties. What properties do these plants have? How are they used? LemongrassLemon verbena For years known and used in the perfumery and cosmetics industry, […]

Herbs for digestion – the best home remedies

Herbs for digestion – the best home remedies

Digestion problems affect almost all of us. Some struggle with them daily, others from time to time for example after a hearty party. Heartburn, stomach ache, bloating, constipation, colic, belching, heaviness and fullness in the intestines – these unpleasant symptoms can really hinder your daily functioning. We advise how to […]

Acerola – a huge source of natural vitamin C

Acerola – a huge source of natural vitamin C

Until now, lemons were treated as the leaders in the race of Vitamin C content, but it is the acerola fruit that is the greatest treasure of this vitamin. In comparative studies on the content of vitamin C in both species, acerola is spectacularly victorious. Acerola fruitsWhy is Vitamin C […]

Herbs supporting slimming

Herbs supporting slimming

The use of herbs for weight loss has many advantages. The ingredients contained in them improve metabolic rate, help reduce body fat and cleanse the body out of toxins. These and many other properties of natural herbs help many people successfully deal with notorious excessive weight. What herbs to use […]

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